Practical and Understanding Conflict Resolution Services
For those unresolved business disputes and relationship conflicts, we will:
- Commercial Disputes – Serve as an impartial mediator to companies in dispute. Hired by both parties to help them explore reaching a possible agreement that would be better than their alternatives, in the shadow of the law. Sample disputes: vendor contractual breach, improper procurement termination, strategic partnerships, royalties, licensing, separation agreements
- Founder Disputes – Mediate disputes between founder(s) and critical relationship(s) such as board, co-founders, and shareholders. Based on actual accumulated understanding of the unique entrepreneurial situation and constrained circumstances of early-stage and/or high-growth companies. Private and efficient resolution while maintaining relationship and company value
- Settlement Consulting – When hired by one of the parties in dispute (as opposed to hired as a mediator by both parties) to help explore with the other party and negotiate a collaborative solution to the dispute using mediation skills. Provide the parties the channel to explore a better resolution, before or in parallel to the lawyer-led litigation process
For those critical decision moments and overcoming multiple organizational and interpersonal constraints:
- Multiple Stakeholders – Facilitate multi-party group dynamics and problem solving processes. One or more facilitators help clarify issues, interests and options; relieve tensions; facilitate joint sessions and caucusing; support brainstorming packages for optimal joint-gains solutions
- Executive Teams – Facilitate positive brainstorming sessions and dealing-with-difficult-topic processes with the executive team. Based on experience as entrepreneur, strategy consultant, board member and investor in technology, medical devices, biotechnology and software
- Non Profit Organizations – Facilitate vision building, strategy development, operational challenges, and difficult governance issues. Work on methods for building consensus. Based on vast experience with consensus decision-making bodies, educational institutions, arts institutions, and sports organizations. Art may be used as an effective process tool, as tailored to the group.
Mooly performed a crucial function in the merger of the two companies. Bringing the two parties together, setting terms fair and acceptable to all concerned, took conviction and exceptional skills in working with people. I am personally grateful to Mooly for his work with us.
Paul Ryan, Founder and President of Ryan International
“See deeds of honour in their kind which sometime show well pencilled. Nature now shall make and act the story, the belief both sealed with eye and ear. You must be present; You are the victor’s meed, the prize and garland to crown the question’s title.”
(Two Noble Kinsmen)
Sample Dispute Resolution Engagements:
- Supplier to Procurement – Contract Dispute:
After cancellation of several non-cancelable orders, facilitated the renegotiated terms which settled the resulting legal disputes to the satisfaction of both parties, avoiding trial.
- Company to Company – Strategic Partner Separation Agreement:
After years of mutual accusations the relationship soured to a point of professional and personal distrust, yet unilateral termination would be very risky for both sides. An intensive multi-week effort successfully facilitated a series of dependent steps to enable building just enough trust to enable the parties to reach an implementable mediated solution.
- Investor to Investor – Separation Agreement:
When a public ethics crisis tainted the reputation of a private company, a conflict emerged between the investors. Representing one of the main investors, we successfully distanced our client from the crisis, and negotiated on his behalf a separation agreement that resulted in valuable assets being retained by the client
- Non Profit Strategic Relationship – Renegotiation of Agreement:
Strategic mapping and guidance to non-profit efforts. Established relationship to achieve favorable amended terms with the partner organization leadership, without risking excessive delays and public opposition. Resulted in a very positive long-term outcome
Mooly performed a crucial function in the merger of the two companies. Bringing the two parties together, setting terms fair and acceptable to all concerned, took conviction and exceptional skills in working with people. I am personally grateful to Mooly for his work with us.
Paul Ryan, Founder and President of Ryan International
“See deeds of honour in their kind which sometime show well pencilled. Nature now shall make and act the story, the belief both sealed with eye and ear. You must be present; You are the victor’s meed, the prize and garland to crown the question’s title.”
(Two Noble Kinsmen)
Effective Consulting,
Analysis, Representation,
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Providing Entrepreneurial
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Value-Add Horsepower
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Versatile Teaching
Active Training &
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Facilitation of Negotiation
& Understanding Based
Conflict Resolution
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